174 / 2
(20.0 Overs )
35 / 7
(7.2 Overs )

InvinciBulls Won by 139 runs
Player of the Match

InvinciBulls vs The Truckies
Tournament: Gold Coast Senior Winter Sundays
Date: 16/08/2020
Time: 14:00
Venue: Runaway Bay 3 - Syn
Umpire(s): Greg Douglas,
Batted First: InvinciBulls
InvinciBulls scored 174 / 2 after 20.0 overs
The Truckies scored 35 / 7 after 7.2 overs
Match Result: InvinciBulls Won by 139 runs
Player of the Match: Luke Phillips (InvinciBulls)
InvinciBulls Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Philip Holzinger5628.9419.00
Matthew Phillips3252.8734.95
Luke Phillips1549.7122.28
Ryan Overweg921.8341.00
Matt Goodyer615.2538.00
Tyler McKay611.5021.50
Greg Daven574.0051.00
Phillip Mckay29.5013.00
The Truckies Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Surjit Singh12329.9629.00
Amar Mahal10527.1230.69
Love Singh6527.6336.02
Satbir Singh5121.6027.08
Shally Multani1635.1255.50
Bikram Singh710.0020.66
Ankit Saini63.6092.00
Surendar Joshi43.0017.00

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