48 / 0
(6.0 Overs )

Tap That Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match

Tap That vs Australia's Underperforming Cricketers
Tournament: North Brisbane Division 2
Date: 08/03/2020
Time: 13:00
Venue: South Pine AFL Field, Cribb St, Brendale
Umpire(s): Paul Maxim,
Batted First: Australia's Underperforming Cricketers
Australia's Underperforming Cricketers scored 44 / 8 after 10.000 overs
Tap That scored 48 / 0 after 6.000 overs
Match Result: Tap That Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match: Brent Crooks (Tap That)
Tap That Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Dave Broughton47134.8427.72
Damien Lean35726.1740.03
Dean Goodwin30819.2129.31
Nick Murphy26250.8417.78
Brent Crooks20750.3118.69
Tristan Richter19519.7228.99
Brendon Lowry18727.0860.00
Tim McGuire16336.2328.87
Justin Street2643.3718.24
Australia's Underperforming Cricketers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
James Borger12019.7643.07
Ethan Machin10225.5030.37
Jordan Machin8650.5429.12
Ryan Hollyman6672.7719.18
Max Porter437.5747.90
Nicholas Heaney3250.2533.40
Beau Macfarlane2844.8457.27
Hugh Logan728.5075.00

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