161 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
162 / 5
(16.3 Overs )

East London Eagles Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match

ANS Sports vs East London Eagles
Tournament: East London Autumn Cup
Date: 17/11/2019
Time: 12:00
Venue: Goodmayes Park (IG3 9QX)
Umpire(s): S M Tanvir (LS),
Batted First: ANS Sports
ANS Sports scored 161 / 6 after 20.0 overs
East London Eagles scored 162 / 5 after 16.3 overs
Match Result: East London Eagles Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match: Bhajandip Singh Purewal (East London Eagles)
ANS Sports Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
MD Ashraful Islam12749.8833.31
MD Aminul Shihan (LS)8256.9564.00
Muhammad Umair Khan7324.8227.49
Ashfaqur Rahman Nobel (LS)4532.2529.06
Rokan Arafat Masuk3032.2740.00
Din Islam2233.1246.00
Muhammad Amjad6202.0028.80
Mohammad Kadir429.0084.00
East London Eagles Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mubashar Awan48649.3047.36
Ghufran Hassan16747.2632.23
Gagan Bassi15442.5035.61
Deepak Sharma15242.4261.33
Sagar Joshi5566.6841.26
Robin Bansal2420.1345.62
Bhajandip Singh Purewal1540.2036.00
Abid Zadran630.66142.00

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