69 / 6
(10.0 Overs )
82 / 6
(10.0 Overs )

The Fill Ins Won by 13 runs
Player of the Match


Darwin Infernos vs The Fill Ins
Tournament: Bali Invitational
Date: 08/09/2019
Time: 11:40
Venue: Bukit Oval - Slot 1
Umpire(s): Bali Scorer,
Batted First: The Fill Ins
The Fill Ins scored 82 / 6 after 10.000 overs
Darwin Infernos scored 69 / 6 after 10.000 overs
Match Result: The Fill Ins Won by 13 runs
Player of the Match: Mushtaq Ahmad Sanur (The Fill Ins)
Darwin Infernos Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Tony Scheide510.0016.00
Leigh Mauger510.0063.00
Justin Moulds516.3310.00
Matthew Plewinski521.3344.00
Bart Lyon539.0067.00
Shane Smith46.6633.00
Phil Liebich317.5024.00
John Moulds34.007.50
The Fill Ins Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mushtaq Ahmad Sanur1744.6613.47
Danilson Hawoe1424.6639.75
Nando Banunaek66.0013.80
Ardan Jakarta54.0034.00
Egi Jakarta12.00.00
Deo Jakarta121.00.00
Egi IG Randy1.009.00
M Zulham110.005.00
Andy Cottam1.005.00

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