151 / 3
(15.3 Overs )
149 / 2
(20.0 Overs )

1mg Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match
31 (24)


1mg vs Gurgaon Shining Stars
Tournament: Gurgaon Division 1
Date: 20/10/2019
Time: 13:15
Venue: Games Forest : Ground B
Umpire(s): Amit Hasrana, Dewakar Sharma,
Batted First: Gurgaon Shining Stars
Gurgaon Shining Stars scored 149 / 2 after 20.000 overs
1mg scored 151 / 3 after 15.300 overs
Match Result: 1mg Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Amandeep Gill (1mg)
1mg Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Gulshan Kumar3165.8222.62
Amandeep Gill968.20.00
Rohit Kumar990.009.64
Suheel Ahmad924.779.50
Tanmay meena815.0025.85
Ravi Mehra561.0037.50
Raman Dhiman313.0021.66
Vikas Sharma224.0044.00
Gurgaon Shining Stars Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Abhinav Khandelwal727.6522.71
Nikhil Agarwal5116.5428.11
Vishal Tanwar5031.5223.60
Sachin Pandey4949.3142.80
Naman Kumar4743.8823.57
Devinder Bhati4653.2626.21
Ajmer Singh458.0318.32
Sunil Meghwal3340.5251.00

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