93 / 8
(14.2 Overs )
243 / 2
(20.0 Overs )

1mg Won by 150 runs
Player of the Match
45 (11)


Spartan 8 vs 1mg
Tournament: Gurgaon Division 1
Date: 13/10/2019
Time: 14:45
Venue: Games Forest : Ground B
Umpire(s): Amit Hasrana, Dewakar Sharma,
Batted First: 1mg
1mg scored 243 / 2 after 20.000 overs
Spartan 8 scored 93 / 8 after 14.200 overs
Match Result: 1mg Won by 150 runs
Player of the Match: MD Ashraf (1mg)
Spartan 8 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Krish Chhatwal7720.5336.45
Varun Saluja238.6819.54
Divyang Jain2111.7724.00
Satvik Sehgal1821.1243.44
Sameer Goel1512.8759.20
Ravneet Kler512.8032.00
Kabir Nain48.253.00
Vimal Verma219.0037.00
1mg Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nitin Tyagi106.5023.50
Suheel Ahmad924.779.50
Amandeep Gill968.20.00
Rohit Kumar990.009.64
MD Ashraf651.666.50
Ravi Mehra561.0037.50
Neeraj meena276.00.00
Amit Dhameja1.0011.00

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