187 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
62 / 8
(10.3 Overs )

X4 Group Ltd Won by 125 runs
Player of the Match


X4 Group Ltd vs Delotte Risk Advisory
Tournament: London Corporate Cup
Date: 18/07/2019
Time: 18:30
Venue: Regents Park 2
Umpire(s): S.M ARIF (LS),
Batted First: X4 Group Ltd
X4 Group Ltd scored 187 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Delotte Risk Advisory scored 62 / 8 after 10.3 overs
Match Result: X4 Group Ltd Won by 125 runs
Player of the Match: Lewis Bedwell (X4 Group Ltd)
X4 Group Ltd Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
James Steadman2318.0018.88
Alex Koivio2168.2026.18
Pete Rabey1947.7718.66
Owen Dearn1322.5033.10
Ellis Crispin1112.7518.00
Jordan Pickering943.5017.00
Harry Dunmall744.2531.80
Lewis Bedwell257.006.40
Delotte Risk Advisory Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Humayun Saleem10226.4326.66
Aaiz Khan1924.5741.50
Krishna Thathamangalam615.00.00
Vijai Samraj21.5064.00
Mustafa Kanchwala17.0043.00
Aaron Vas13.0023.00
Alex Bigham14.0027.00
Rajan Mendis1.00.00

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