200 / 4
(20.0 Overs )
67 / 5
(20.0 Overs )

Ball-A-holics Won by 133 runs
Player of the Match


Ball-A-holics vs Match Fixerz
Tournament: Bedfordview Friendlies
Date: 26/02/2019
Time: 20:30
Venue: Jeppe Quondam Club
Umpire(s): Louise3 Matthyser,
Batted First: Ball-A-holics
Ball-A-holics scored 200 / 4 after 20.0 overs
Match Fixerz scored 67 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: Ball-A-holics Won by 133 runs
Player of the Match: Clinton Normon (Ball-A-holics)
Ball-A-holics Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Kriolin Naidoo8333.7490.71
Ryno Van der merwe3567.7228.61
Rashard Fuller (OUTSTANDING FEES)2943.7040.00
Damon Edwards2130.8431.70
Allen Muller2129.0034.00
Sheldon Hoffman1629.7033.83
Clinton Normon1454.7116.50
Allan Jacobs1427.0046.20
Match Fixerz Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Chris Pretorius51663.5017.87
Vithal Harase7334.7623.83
Karushan Munsamy3813.0044.77
tash mahabeer3422.1635.28
Divesh Makhan3011.7627.25
Saagar Gokul2823.4287.00
Ajmal Sayed2027.0036.42
Kreeson Naidoo1421.1027.40
Dharmesh Amaidas23.0015.00

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