133 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
161 / 3
(20.0 Overs )

8 Wickiteers Won by 28 runs
Player of the Match


The Backyarders vs 8 Wickiteers
Tournament: Toowoomba LMS
Date: 07/04/2019
Time: 8:15
Venue: Queens Park
Umpire(s): Sandeep Kumar,
Batted First: 8 Wickiteers
8 Wickiteers scored 161 / 3 after 20.000 overs
The Backyarders scored 133 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Match Result: 8 Wickiteers Won by 28 runs
Player of the Match: Trent Sheehan (8 Wickiteers)
The Backyarders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Daniel Primus12734.5629.87
Scott Bransdon8251.0031.00
Paul Martin7340.9728.45
Shannon Tunstead6422.3524.56
Jamie Innes2135.9029.21
Paul Lee107.6020.80
Darren Wright1034.6041.33
Ryan Baddock820.8339.50
8 Wickiteers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Michael Lewis11745.4732.51
David Budden1129.5661.70
Morgan Fanning10317.8635.25
Brennan Brown6635.8377.66
Trent Sheehan6450.2435.63
Tim Brennan6121.0232.30
Joshua James1211.9072.33

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