166 / 0
(3.0 Overs )
167 / 0
(3.0 Overs )

Odd Balls Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match


Super 8 vs Odd Balls
Tournament: Toowoomba Wednesday/Friday Nights 2018/2019 Finals
Date: 11/01/2019
Time: 17:15
Venue: Ernest Peak Park
Umpire(s): James Cain,
Batted First: Super 8
Super 8 scored 166 / 0 after 3.0 overs
Odd Balls scored 167 / 0 after 3.0 overs
Match Result: Odd Balls Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match: Anthony Morriss (Super 8)
Super 8 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ghulam Mustafa25941.6734.31
Mark Holt9049.9823.90
Anthony Morriss6532.1719.14
Andrew Canny611.4073.00
Anthony King422.0028.50
Odd Balls Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Cameron Moodie14433.8630.49
Oliver Scott4543.2751.41
Luke Smith2855.7825.10
Matt Budden2639.0020.04

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