112 / 5
(20.0 Overs )
116 / 2
(9.3 Overs )

Pumpin Booty Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match


2/222 - Benauds vs Pumpin Booty
Tournament: #LMSCBR Summer Sundays
Date: 18/11/2018
Time: 12:50
Venue: O�Connor 2.03 (Macarthur Ave)
Umpire(s): Andrew Loveday,
Batted First: 2/222 - Benauds
2/222 - Benauds scored 112 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Pumpin Booty scored 116 / 2 after 9.3 overs
Match Result: Pumpin Booty Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Michael Groenhout (Pumpin Booty)
2/222 - Benauds Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Clay Bryan27827.9129.90
Pat "Bad Boy" Piani1859.5575.78
Shea Hanson17330.4860.76
Charlie Webb16735.1137.03
Martin Kennedy16519.6837.28
Jake Hyland13625.0734.11
Shannon Ingram59.33164.00
Josh Glass32.6647.00
Pumpin Booty Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sam Walton21429.1327.57
Michael Groenhout19931.3224.01
David Sankey18712.8430.61
Mathew Webster18216.0127.00
Dane Clarkson14736.7327.88
Rob Regent137106.5837.84
Alastair Atkinson4645.9528.95
Gavin Barnes3942.3838.46

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