180 / 3
(20.0 Overs )
100 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

Tap That Won by 80 runs
Player of the Match


Tap That vs The Thommy Bois
Tournament: North Brisbane Division 2
Date: 23/09/2018
Time: 13:00
Venue: Canterbury Park, Feuerriegel Rd, Bald Hills
Umpire(s): Codey Rzeszkowski,
Batted First: Tap That
Tap That scored 180 / 3 after 20.0 overs
The Thommy Bois scored 100 / 7 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: Tap That Won by 80 runs
Player of the Match: Tim McGuire (Tap That)
Tap That Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Dave Broughton47134.8427.72
Damien Lean35726.1740.03
Dean Goodwin30819.2129.31
Brendon Lowry18727.0860.00
Daniel Lockhart18446.3424.35
Tim McGuire16336.2328.87
Ross Thomas12425.0330.45
Campbell Wright10222.5147.60
The Thommy Bois Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Dominic Barrett7357.7432.72
Brad Welsh7219.1240.79
Justin Welsh5546.4843.57
Jack Barrett4646.1725.50
Tom Barrett4448.4839.55
Dylan Ridings172.78188.00
Sanjeev Choudhary1034.0029.12
Joey Davo117.0024.00

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