123 / 4
(20.0 Overs )
193 / 4
(16.0 Overs )

NAS Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match


INA Turtles vs NAS
Tournament: Moreton Bay Division 1
Date: 22/07/2018
Time: 14:00
Venue: Devine Court Sports Complex - Devine Court, Morayfield
Umpire(s): Tim Marchisio,
Batted First: INA Turtles
INA Turtles scored 123 / 4 after 20.0 overs
NAS scored 193 / 4 after 16.0 overs
Match Result: NAS Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match: Cecil Bison (NAS)
INA Turtles Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
. -21254.5556.52
Anand Choudhary12014.6328.86
Sandeep Mangal10016.5433.30
Asim Zafar7846.7323.60
Sushil Rane7219.4660.12
Sudhir Garg5518.3435.20
Scott Maxim185.8540.33
Paul Maxim329.0060.00
NAS Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nathan Johnstone14243.7725.85
Nathan Murray9539.0621.89
Cecil Bison7967.5720.45
Luke Paton5630.1229.88
Matt Rackley4315.0035.36
Chris Stobie1830.4217.42
Greg Elworthy1176.0035.75
Chathura Kaluthanthri5126.0039.00

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