161 / 4
(20.0 Overs )
77 / 8
(14.1 Overs )

RCB Won by 84 runs
Player of the Match


RCB vs The Rising Challengers
Tournament: Bedfordview 4 (Sun)
Date: 08/04/2018
Time: 10:30
Venue: Dawnview Middle
Umpire(s): David Mashiyi,
Batted First: RCB
RCB scored 161 / 4 after 20.0 overs
The Rising Challengers scored 77 / 8 after 14.1 overs
Match Result: RCB Won by 84 runs
Player of the Match: Sahib Wali (RCB)
RCB Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sahib Wali4721.9229.05
Himat Wali4416.2817.11
Noshad Ali3513.8118.00
Ifthikhar Shahin2917.0933.00
Irfan Shah2723.1534.35
Sifat Wali2616.9020.72
Kamran Kami2123.5418.00
Imran Wali1911.7312.25
The Rising Challengers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nathan Dhanraj33213.7526.81
Brennan Naidoo7923.8125.71
Kevin Karanja2317.1234.45
Camaro Bennett69.00103.00
Curtis Bennett413.6666.00
Blessing Mupfumisi45.666.71
Warren Rodger341.0019.66
Anesh Mangroo33.0086.00

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