172 / 6
(19.1 Overs )
171 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Bangalore Raptors Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match


Bangalore Raptors vs DELLEMC
Tournament: Bengaluru Division 1
Date: 24/02/2018
Time: 8:00
Venue: Adithya Global, Nelamangala
Umpire(s): Mohammed Sabir, Kiran Kumar,
Batted First: DELLEMC
DELLEMC scored 171 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Bangalore Raptors scored 172 / 6 after 19.100 overs
Match Result: Bangalore Raptors Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match: Girish Kl (DELLEMC)
Bangalore Raptors Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sankeerth Ramadas1821.3630.00
Rohit Chinthala1729.0020.36
Jithendra VN1311.2823.80
Narasimha Kamath1317.0030.11
Rajeev Bhaskar1338.3017.06
Vishwanathan M957.50.00
Manjunath Bhat727.8350.00
Nikhil AS622.0014.00
DELLEMC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sunil Chinns937.8514.46
Shri Karthik741.60146.00
Girish Kl743.0012.00
Madhusudhan Rao429.666.00
Abhishek S417.0017.40
Sharath Nagabhushan35.5018.00
Vikas Chanalia317.0019.00
Sachin Gankal112.0031.00

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