115 / 2
(14.1 Overs )
114 / 8
(17.4 Overs )

Victory Clinchers Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match


Victory Clinchers vs Health Buzzz
Tournament: Gurgaon Division 1
Date: 11/03/2018
Time: 10:00
Venue: Croire
Umpire(s): Amit Hasrana, Dewakar Sharma,
Batted First: Health Buzzz
Health Buzzz scored 114 / 8 after 17.400 overs
Victory Clinchers scored 115 / 2 after 14.100 overs
Match Result: Victory Clinchers Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Dhruv Nanda (Victory Clinchers)
Victory Clinchers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Anurag Dey6146.7825.44
Kanishk Nanda3931.7239.30
Mayank Bakshi3058.0627.19
Dhruv Nanda2543.5724.47
RAHUL THUKRAL1532.2234.12
MANISH ANAND719.5023.60
Health Buzzz Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Vaibhav Singh5370.0323.54
Vaibhav Sharma2931.1217.80
Rahul Yadav2412.5840.50
Kunal Nayyar1723.5825.14
Atanu Banerjee1215.0017.57
Luv Dhingra99.8815.28
Amogh Sharma620.2025.00
Abhinav Chaturvedi511.5041.00

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