115 / 8
(16.0 Overs )
185 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Toruk Makto Won by 70 runs
Player of the Match


DELLEMC vs Toruk Makto
Tournament: Bengaluru Division 1
Date: 11/02/2018
Time: 12:45
Venue: Adithya Global, Nelamangala
Umpire(s): Kiran Kumar, Mohammed Sabir,
Batted First: Toruk Makto
Toruk Makto scored 185 / 6 after 20.000 overs
DELLEMC scored 115 / 8 after 16.000 overs
Match Result: Toruk Makto Won by 70 runs
Player of the Match: Jayanth N (Toruk Makto)
DELLEMC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sunil Chinns937.8514.46
Shri Karthik741.60146.00
Girish Kl743.0012.00
Ancil Pinto5.5021.80
Mahesh Nataraj35.0054.00
Sharath Nagabhushan35.5018.00
Anuroop Punchaksharappa311.5033.00
Dilip Kumar J223.50.00
Toruk Makto Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Rajendra Kumar Masanta1016.8743.00
Jayanth N861.1612.86
Kishore BR826.87.00
Pratheek J78.4234.00
Karan MC310.0062.00
Rakesh KS213.5011.25
Rakesh BA29.50.00
Koushik AN216.0037.00

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