200 / 2
(20.0 Overs )
94 / 7
(11.4 Overs )

Wallaboks Won by 106 runs
Player of the Match


Wallaboks vs Bender Boys
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 3
Date: 28/01/2018
Time: 11:15
Venue: Moore Park West (MP1)
Umpire(s): Hassan Mehboob,
Batted First: Wallaboks
Wallaboks scored 200 / 2 after 20.0 overs
Bender Boys scored 94 / 7 after 11.4 overs
Match Result: Wallaboks Won by 106 runs
Player of the Match: Sean Scallan (Wallaboks)
Wallaboks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sean Scallan6837.6028.83
Trevor Cross6826.3730.40
Derek Macartney6429.8641.29
David Assad3853.0062.12
Hugh Amos217.0030.00
Ryan Mcnight118.0012.00
Bender Boys Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Habib Hamade46123.1828.47
Ahmad Hariri9127.4646.65
Mohammed Oubani7045.9136.38
Mohamed Taleb4024.9396.71
Sal Kaler2621.0065.00
Huss Mourad515.0040.75
Buka Rokocoko210.0028.00

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