80 / 2
(8.4 Overs )
79 / 8
(12.4 Overs )

Logisoft pirates Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match


Logisoft pirates vs FRIENDS REPUBLIC
Tournament: Gurgaon Friendly
Date: 05/11/2017
Time: 15:00
Venue: Croire
Umpire(s): Dewakar Sharma, Amit Hasrana,
FRIENDS REPUBLIC scored 79 / 8 after 12.400 overs
Logisoft pirates scored 80 / 2 after 8.400 overs
Match Result: Logisoft pirates Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Gaurav Bhasin (Logisoft pirates)
Logisoft pirates Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Manish Panna123.006.00
Gaurav Bhasin 1.005.50
Aaditya Kansana120.0011.00
Subham Rajawat17.0020.00
Pawan Shivhare124.0010.00
Asish Indora 1.0010.00
Ankit Dixit1.00.00

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Luvi Grover2220.9421.90
Manish Yadav621.0017.14
Sajeer Shah630.75.00
Anurag Oberoi418.0015.60
Kashif Badar116.0017.00
Abhinav Sawhney1.0010.00
Amit Uppal110.0022.00
Rahul Chawla14.008.00

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