57 / 6
(8.0 Overs )
64 / 1
(6.2 Overs )

Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2) Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match


Ashcroft U/15 vs Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2)
Tournament: Wandsworth Schools League U/15
Date: 06/07/2017
Time: 16:30
Venue: Fieldview 2
Umpire(s): shaif Alam (ls), Jon Edwards (LS),
Batted First: Ashcroft U/15
Ashcroft U/15 scored 57 / 6 after 8.0 overs
Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2) scored 64 / 1 after 6.2 overs
Match Result: Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2) Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Saqlain Aftab (Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2))
Ashcroft U/15 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nofil Ahmad818.4070.00
Hussaan Gul 89.0038.66
Wasil Bhatti611.0038.00
Sajeel Syed617.5026.00
Hasoor Bhatti543.0015.75
Fraz Bashir 53.50.00
Sadeed Ahmed364.0023.50
Ram Bhari 1.00.00
Ernest Bevin U/15 (#2) Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mirsab Danyal643.5028.66
Hassan Chaudhry611.205.00
Saqlain Aftab546.009.88
Azeem Muhammad554.0020.00
Yasim Ali41.0044.00
Sachin Nagulendran41.0029.00
Khizar Abassi131.009.00
Sagar Desai1.001.00

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