137 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
96 / 8
(17.1 Overs )

Broomhall Won by 41 runs
Player of the Match


Broomhall vs Kinross Ospreys
Tournament: Fife and Central Scotland League
Date: 30/08/2017
Time: 18:15
Venue: The Cairns, Broomhall
Umpire(s): Sarah Hatch,
Batted First: Broomhall
Broomhall scored 137 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Kinross Ospreys scored 96 / 8 after 17.1 overs
Match Result: Broomhall Won by 41 runs
Player of the Match: T Lucas (Broomhall)
Broomhall Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
T Lucas728.6015.00
Phil Ward613.7553.50
Andrew Dawson612.0022.00
Joe Chalmers581.0068.00
Chris Hoefling358.0094.00
Danny Glasgow218.0031.00
Callum Hall26.0029.00
James Chalmers115.0024.00
Kinross Ospreys Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
John Silcock119.22224.00
Ryan Shah911.7122.00
John Ross712.0066.50
Peter Ross7293.0039.00
Christopher Sale640.75.00
Anthony Drew610.8326.00
S Lopez44.6640.00
Oliver Roe210.0028.00
Connor Emsile15.00.00

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