114 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
66 / 9
(15.2 Overs )

Gurgaon Giants Won by 48 runs
Player of the Match


Gurgaon Giants vs Delhi Dabbangs
Tournament: Gurgaon Friendly
Date: 11/02/2017
Time: 11:30
Venue: Cricket Adda - Ground A
Umpire(s): ,
Batted First: Gurgaon Giants
Gurgaon Giants scored 114 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Delhi Dabbangs scored 66 / 9 after 15.2 overs
Match Result: Gurgaon Giants Won by 48 runs
Player of the Match: Vaibhav Singh (Gurgaon Giants)
Gurgaon Giants Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Anurag Dey6146.7825.44
Vaibhav Singh5370.0323.54
Ashish Jain4629.6419.22
Sankalp Vidyarthi3912.2320.00
Ashutosh Singh3350.2223.92
Harsh Vardhan Singh2513.7320.00
Mohit Bawa2027.8033.50
Sahil Sehgal199.9238.00
Rajeev Chhatwal1.0010.00
Delhi Dabbangs Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Shehzaan Khan 116.9028.50
Krishna vilas yadav521.20.00
Naman Singh Adhikari420.0079.00
Chanakya Arora420.3320.66
Rohan Mazumdar2.0035.00
Sidhant Vermani29.00.00
Tushar Bakshi11.00.00
Danish Brar1.006.50
Saayan Kunal1.0011.00

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