186 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
134 / 4
(17.0 Overs )

Gurgaon Giants Won by 52 runs
Player of the Match


Gurgaon Giants vs Gurgaon Knight Riders
Tournament: Gurgaon Sunday Div 1
Date: 19/02/2017
Time: 14:00
Venue: Croire
Umpire(s): , Dewakar Sharma,
Batted First: Gurgaon Giants
Gurgaon Giants scored 186 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Gurgaon Knight Riders scored 134 / 4 after 17.0 overs
Match Result: Gurgaon Giants Won by 52 runs
Player of the Match: Hemant (Gurgaon Knight Riders)
Gurgaon Giants Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Anurag Dey6146.7825.44
Vaibhav Singh5370.0323.54
Ashish Jain4629.6419.22
Ashutosh Singh3350.2223.92
Harsh Vardhan Singh2513.7320.00
Mohit Bawa2027.8033.50
Sahil Sehgal199.9238.00
Akshay Malik112.00.00
Gurgaon Knight Riders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Anuj nagpal943.6627.00
vikas bajaj73.5025.42
Emeypreet Singh736.5024.50
Bharat Soni613.60.00
Aryan Nagpal515.0031.80
Hemant 470.5015.57
Rahul Mishra3.5023.66
Arjun Nijhawan334.0087.00

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