155 / 8
(19.4 Overs )
109 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Roaring Lions Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match


Roaring Lions vs Citi Warriors
Tournament: Dubai Division 2
Date: 20/12/2016
Time: 21:00
Venue: Gems Modern Academy
Umpire(s): Shahbaz Mazgaonkar, Salman Sayyed,
Batted First: Roaring Lions
Roaring Lions scored 155 / 8 after 19.4 overs
Citi Warriors scored 109 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: Roaring Lions Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match: Hemin Desai (Roaring Lions)
Roaring Lions Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Deepak Nicholas4862.0030.45
Ahmed Hashim4027.1333.33
Karthik Subramaniam3230.5224.75
Rakesh Kumar3117.3630.63
Pratap Bose2834.8129.23
Saurabh Midha2646.8322.34
Hemin Desai448.0013.50
Balaji Subramaniam29.50.00
Citi Warriors Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Amad Nasar1538.0036.63
Prasanna V1026.85309.00
Shahbaz Latif710.2552.00
Mohammed Hamed Alhajri629.3318.33
Usman Hassan617.0081.50
Lateef Khan518.5034.25
Bhaskar B220.0016.00
Jatinder Singh246.0017.66

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