173 / 0
(16.0 Overs )
170 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match


Dubai Exiles Pistoleros vs Black Hawks
Tournament: Dubai Division 2
Date: 12/12/2016
Time: 20:30
Venue: Gems Modern Academy
Umpire(s): Shahbaz Mazgaonkar,
Batted First: Black Hawks
Black Hawks scored 170 / 7 after 20.000 overs
Dubai Exiles Pistoleros scored 173 / 0 after 16.000 overs
Match Result: Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match: David Adams (Dubai Exiles Pistoleros)
Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Khalid Mahmood2642.9437.12
Karan Karkal2423.7645.66
Khurram Ali1855.5427.31
David Adams1664.2222.62
Faizan Uddin10168.3323.90
Irfan Tariq917.8765.25
Oliver Lewis45.0074.00
Bipin Soneji13.0021.00
Black Hawks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mohamed Nashir1078.4037.83
Tayyab Ali827.4244.33
Wajid Sabir714.8051.75
Khaqan Ali737.8066.00
Afaaf Khan413.25.00
Zohaib Ali410.7550.00
Muhammad Ali38.0056.00
Tipu Sultan317.0042.50

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