152 / 2
(17.0 Overs )
151 / 2
(15.0 Overs )

LongShot Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match


LongShot vs Citi Warriors
Tournament: Dubai Division 2
Date: 10/12/2016
Time: 18:00
Venue: Gems Modern Academy
Umpire(s): Salman Sayyed,
Batted First: Citi Warriors
Citi Warriors scored 151 / 2 after 15.000 overs
LongShot scored 152 / 2 after 17.000 overs
Match Result: LongShot Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Shah Waheed (Citi Warriors)
LongShot Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sandeep Venkatraman3153.2530.14
Aditya Nambiar2638.9438.50
Saurabh Midha2646.8322.34
Benjamin Bazil2217.1813.00
Bryan Xavier1868.4447.66
Sahil Dudi1638.4030.33
Zain Iqbal Fake29.0030.50
Citi Warriors Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Faraz Ahmed1686.2850.50
Prasanna V1026.85309.00
Muhammad Farooq Abdullah978.25118.00
Shah Waheed863.6634.50
Shahbaz Latif710.2552.00
Asad Nawaz33.0066.00

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