156 / 3
(20.0 Overs )
158 / 3
(19.1 Overs )

Herdsman Cricket Club Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match


Muely's Dogs vs Herdsman Cricket Club
Tournament: Perth - Inner North & Central - Division 4
Date: 11/12/2016
Time: 15:15
Venue: William Henry Oval
Umpire(s): Manraj Gill,
Batted First: Muely's Dogs
Muely's Dogs scored 156 / 3 after 20.0 overs
Herdsman Cricket Club scored 158 / 3 after 19.1 overs
Match Result: Herdsman Cricket Club Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Alex Rashliegh (Muely's Dogs)
Muely's Dogs Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jacob McInerney5941.3324.92
Sam Thomas4816.0037.54
Alex Rashliegh876.4013.63
Brian Hedges649.00133.00
Brodie Nelson431.00115.00
David Smith322.0065.00
Herdsman Cricket Club Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Prakash Zala4819.4129.34
Chetan Patel4119.1760.64
Ankit Patel3924.1261.75
Khilan Patel3333.6950.53
Brijesh Patel3151.6326.50
Akash Patel2240.3528.88
Milind Kansara1724.1059.16
Neerav Patel1417.2522.83

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