135 / 1
(20.0 Overs )
114 / 8
(19.1 Overs )

These Guys 2 Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match


These Guys 2 vs 8 Blokes 1 Cup
Tournament: Sydney End of Season Play Offs
Date: 13/08/2016
Time: 9:15
Venue: Monfarville Reserve 1, North St Marys
Umpire(s): Ajay Thiagarajah,
Batted First: These Guys 2
These Guys 2 scored 135 / 1 after 20.0 overs
8 Blokes 1 Cup scored 114 / 8 after 19.1 overs
Match Result: These Guys 2 Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match: Bryan Morris (These Guys 2)
These Guys 2 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Daniel Paul Dent12954.6219.84
Bryan Morris12354.9325.08
Nathan Powlay11331.0027.35
Mark Graham7438.5626.85
Tim Frazer2817.7821.21
Chad Brett2041.8725.38
Darren Cox1544.0033.50
Peter Gregersen1311.0050.85
8 Blokes 1 Cup Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nathan Gilchrist4643.9528.12
Phil Blackman3236.8922.92
Chris Hinkley2541.3351.77
Patrick Anderson1333.0064.00
Stuart Ericson1221.5731.37
Dean Marks1033.00104.00
Chris Longhurst983.2536.80
Nathan Hodges873.0028.16

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