111 / 8
(17.3 Overs )
152 / 4
(20.0 Overs )

Scouse Sloggers Won by 41 runs
Player of the Match


Dingle CC vs Scouse Sloggers
Tournament: Tiger Print Liverpool & District Premiership
Date: 07/09/2016
Time: 18:20
Venue: Aigburth CC
Umpire(s): Taylor Cox,
Batted First: Scouse Sloggers
Scouse Sloggers scored 152 / 4 after 20.000 overs
Dingle CC scored 111 / 8 after 17.300 overs
Match Result: Scouse Sloggers Won by 41 runs
Player of the Match: Sumraiz Butt (Scouse Sloggers)
Dingle CC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ryan Kyffin14645.0224.26
Keith Jennions9327.3225.69
Phil Jennions9154.6220.28
Mark Davies8614.4332.97
Ian O'Brien7925.9728.27
Aaron McMahon7815.2127.31
Bernie King337.8617.50
Doug Pyrke 143.0029.00
Scouse Sloggers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Shahid Saeed20934.8232.50
Saad Saeed12035.1945.20
Shaban Shahzad11521.9427.37
Syed Razi Haider Bukhari10619.5634.00
Sumraiz Butt7442.0325.17
Faruk Nisar4614.5031.44
Harish Dp4113.6335.50
John Fretwell 1549.0019.61

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