96 / 2
(12.0 Overs )
95 / 8
(16.2 Overs )

Hit it for six Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match


Hit it for six vs Tillingham CC
Tournament: Macmillan Cancer Support Charity Day
Date: 14/08/2016
Time: 14:00
Venue: Basildon Sporting Village
Umpire(s): ,
Batted First: Tillingham CC
Tillingham CC scored 95 / 8 after 16.200 overs
Hit it for six scored 96 / 2 after 12.000 overs
Match Result: Hit it for six Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: jules whetstone (Hit it for six)
Hit it for six Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
David Gains2918.7048.00
matt jahanfar739.5018.00
aaron collett65.5023.00
jules whetstone5230.0060.00
sean buxton455.0019.33
albie nutall464.0016.80
Dan Smith271.00.00
Charlotte Hayman14.0015.00
Tillingham CC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
connor hayman1030.8519.58
Nathan Hayman22.0042.00
Josh Moss217.0041.00
Alex Warren288.0023.00
Jacob Snowden 22.0027.00
Cameron Hayman222.504.00
Neik Cook211.00.00
Rod Martin19.00.00

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