137 / 3
(10.0 Overs )
91 / 5
(10.0 Overs )

UCT Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match


UCT vs Dubai hunters
Tournament: Hamriya Invitational Tournament 16.04.2016
Date: 16/04/2016
Time: 10:30
Venue: Hamriyah Cultural Society Ground (Jaleel)
Umpire(s): Shahbaz Mazgaonkar,
Batted First: UCT
UCT scored 137 / 3 after 10.0 overs
Dubai hunters scored 91 / 5 after 10.0 overs
Match Result: UCT Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match: Usman Bhatt (UCT)
UCT Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ali Akbar229.007.00
Jamil Aslam242.00.00
Muhammad Ajmal227.0027.00
Usman Bhatt242.0018.00
Jamshed Ahmed26.0015.00
Danial Khalid11.00.00
Muhammad Musa1.0026.00
Imran Javed114.00.00
Dubai hunters Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Faisal Siddiqui69.0069.00
Adeel Ali538.3320.00
Sheikh Sahil Mustafa525.5091.00
Mohammad Aqil416.0028.00
Matiullah Mohammad320.0032.00
Vikhyat Sharma25.5021.00
Saqib Khan251.00.00
Abdur Rehman230.0053.00

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