111 / 1
(11.3 Overs )
108 / 8
(14.4 Overs )

Radiers Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match


Radiers vs Batting Off
Tournament: Perth - Inner North & Central - Division 4
Date: 28/02/2016
Time: 10:30
Venue: Forrest Park 1
Umpire(s): Asher Myerson,
Batted First: Batting Off
Batting Off scored 108 / 8 after 14.400 overs
Radiers scored 111 / 1 after 11.300 overs
Match Result: Radiers Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Ryan Linch (Radiers)
Radiers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brad Jones11926.5228.14
Bradley Couch11730.0833.67
Rhys Woolf10823.4737.12
James Allen10629.9726.32
T Cook9231.0723.66
Chad Smith6742.5530.25
Ryan Linch4440.5620.70
Michael Allen1.0017.00
Batting Off Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
John Corfias919.5737.80
Rory Muller935.5099.00
Dwayne Best912.6627.60
Chris Harvey817.5031.57
Marcus Filocamo618.7553.00
Kim Horwood518.2533.00
Kyle Campbell380.0061.00
Max Brown15.009.00

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