Rangpur Riders "Dhaka Plate Championship" powered by TSports 2022/2023

13/10/2023 08:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Raisul Islam Nafis,Shafaet Amin,Tanvir Mahmud Shihab

14/10/2023 08:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Raisul Islam Nafis,Shafaet Amin

14/10/2023 13:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Munayeem Chowdhury,Raisul Islam Nafis,Shafaet Amin

21/10/2023 08:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Shafaet Amin,Tanvir Mahmud Shihab

21/10/2023 10:30 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Shafaet Amin,Tanvir Mahmud Shihab

21/10/2023 13:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Shafaet Amin,Tanvir Mahmud Shihab

04/11/2023 11:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Mushfique Nitol,Raisul Islam Nafis

04/11/2023 13:30 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mozahid Hossain,Mushfique Nitol,Raisul Islam Nafis

11/11/2023 11:00 -
Bashundhara Sports Complex - Mushfique Nitol,Raisul Islam Nafis,Shafaet Amin

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