Singapore Dream Team

1 Chinmay GabaChinmay GabaBatsmanSingapore Juniors
2 Varun VVarun VBatsmanSingapore Juniors
3 Yogeesh GabaYogeesh GabaAll RounderSingapore Juniors
4 Gurvansh SinghGurvansh SinghKeeperSingapore Juniors
5 Abhishek AravindAbhishek AravindAll rounderSingapore Juniors
6 Arjith AArjith ABowlerSingapore Juniors
7 Jaithra JJaithra JBowlerSingapore Juniors
8 Arya Subramani Arya Subramani BowlerSingapore Juniors

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